Dressage instructor webinar planned

Published 10:00 pm Friday, December 2, 2016

Attention Dressage instructors: There will be a free webinar Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. Register today at: bit.ly/2g0upQ7.

The Dressage Instructors webinar will be hosted by Randi Thompson, founder of Horse and Rider Awareness; Jodi Lees, USEF “R” Dressage Judge (waiting for upgrade to “S”); and moderated by Laura Kelland-May, USEF “R” Equitation Judge.

According to Thompson, “The free Dressage Instructors Webinar is filled with valuable information that we feel is important to riding instructors who are doing business in the horse world. Each program will feature topics that range from teaching techniques to judging, and also include what many dressage professionals are missing, business and marketing topics.”

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Already, the response to the Dressage Instructor Webinar has been overwhelming. Over 350 people have joined our new Dressage Instructor Facebook page, facebook.com/Dressage-Instructors.

States Jodi Lees, “My students know that I use many aids in my teaching – the use of visualization, the honest evaluation of my own experiences, the words of wisdom that have been given to me over the years, and a desire to teach students how to ask questions for themselves when they are riding their horses. As instructors, we empower ourselves with knowledge and we give that power to our students through enlightened teaching and open discussion.”

Laura Kelland-May says, “I am honored to moderate the Dressage Instructors Webinar with well-known equestrians, Randi and Jodi, who have made such a big difference in the horse world.

“It is so exciting to see how many are getting involved in what they are doing. Dressage professionals from all over the world are joining together to share ideas!”

Topics include: 

From the Judges Box

Are you coaching riders who are competing in dressage? Would you like to hear from a judge about what they are seeing? Join us as we discuss easy solutions to improve circles and straight lines for better test scores.

Teaching Techniques

What is the judge looking for in the stretchy gaits required in the dressage tests? Should the horse be on a loose or long rein? Next, we will chat about the rising trot. How can you teach your riders how to feel the correct diagonal?

Horse Business 101

Many horse professionals are now using a Facebook business page to market and promote their horse business. They find it working better for them than their website. Join us as we explore how you can use Facebook to make a difference for what you are doing in the horse business. 

Those who would like to invest more in their success can join us for our live Dressage Instructor Bootcamp in spring, 2017, in the Tryon area.

Would you like to be a sponsor or have a special gift that you would like to share with other Dressage instructors? Contact us today. We will be giving away free prizes during our webinars and the live Dressage Instructor Bootcamp.

Would you like to feature the Dressage Instructor programs? For interviews and more information contact Randi Thompson at randithompsonlive.com, 828-697-4274 or randi@randithompsonlive.com.

– article submitted by Randi Thompson