It’s all trivial

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Playing – or more accurately, winning – bar trivia is one of my favorite things to do with friends. I’m an avid Jeopardy watcher, even though I applied to be on the show last year and still haven’t heard from Alex Trebek. I also own three versions of the Trivial Pursuit board game.

So I was stoked to find out that the Polk County Public Library will host Pop Culture Trivia this Friday, Nov. 18, at 6 p.m. Gather up your friends and head on out to Black Coffee on Trade Street in Tryon for this free event. Don’t worry, I can’t compete since I’m a library employee, so you might have a good chance of winning!

Trivia questions will cover a variety of pop culture categories such as books, films, music, and TV. A special hint for Tryon Daily Bulletin readers: two of the categories will be Marvel and movie musicals. I will also post hints on the library’s Facebook page today, tomorrow, and Friday, so check that out for an even greater chance of winning. You will be rewarded for your hard work of course… Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams!

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If you’re not a trivia buff, come watch the fun, cheer on your friends, and support the newest coffee shop in town by purchasing a cup of java or hot chocolate.

We have fun programs for adults at the library almost every week. You can find them all at, but I’ll tell you about a few coming up that I’m super excited about. In addition to Pop Culture Trivia this Friday, we also have two adult events at the Columbus Library that day. Bring your lunch to the library at noon for a talk with local author Corrine Gerwe, as she presents her latest novel, “Murder in a Moonlit Mason Jar.”

Are you baffled by computers and technology? There’s no shame in learning new skills and the library staff are happy to help! Join us at 1 p.m. for Computer Basics Class.

There are also several craft classes coming up for those who are more creatively minded.

Next Monday, Nov. 21, make Thanksgiving woodblocks at the Saluda Library at 2 p.m. Because the library provides all the materials to you free of charge, it is very helpful to have an accurate head count. Please email or call Amelia, our programming coordinator, at or 828-894-8721 ext. 226 to reserve your place.

Our other craft class this month is a Zen Doodle workshop at the Columbus Library on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 2 p.m. Local artist Catherine Langsdorf will lead the class as participants explore their creativity by using patterns, lines, shapes, and shading in their Zen Doodle design.

Have an idea for our program you’d love to see at the library? Feel free to contact me with your thoughts. The library also accepts requests for books, DVDs, and other materials at I hope to see you at Black Coffee this Friday night with your game face on!

Jen Pace Dickenson is the Youth Services Librarian at Polk County Public Library. For information about the library’s resources, programs, and other services, visit or call (828) 894-8721.