KidSenses announces grant from the Rhi Legacy Foundation

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, October 13, 2016

We are pleased to announce that the RHI Legacy Foundation has just awarded KidSenses a $100,000 grant to help create the Food Studio, one of five major activity zones in the Factory, the museum’s planned expansion, which will engage youth aged 11 into their teens.

The Factory will be a special place where youth can meet friends, ask questions, have ideas, make things, and pursue their passions. They will do things that not only reflect their own personal interests, but also provide connections to future aspirations.

Increasingly, jobs in our region are going to reflect a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) based economy. The Factory will provide children the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to succeed in this future work environment.

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Food Studio is one of the five activity zones which comprise The Factory. The four other zones are entitled: Tech Lab, Make It Place, Idea Zone, and Factory Gallery. Each zone is defined by the type of activities that occur there, but all share a common purpose of stimulating inquiry and promoting creative production.

Creativity and social interaction will be nourished in the Food Studio, a fully equipped kitchen in which budding culinary maestros create and share inventive cuisine in a social atmosphere. Understanding nutrition and taking responsibility for one’s own health underpin all activities in the Food Studio. A dedicated section of the museum’s Discovery Garden will provide the opportunity for youth to experience the benefits of the “farm to table” concept, as they explore the benefits of healthy eating in this highly interactive, collaborative environment.

Poor dietary habits during adolescence have negative impacts on health and wellness indicators including: day-to-day wellbeing and functioning; achievement and maintenance of healthy weights; proper growth and development patterns; and dental health. Research has shown that when youth are involved in preparing their own food, they are likely to eat more nutrient-rich foods, including higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, higher intakes of key nutrients, and lower intakes of fat.

KidSenses Children’s Museum is located at 172 N. Main Street, Rutherfordton. Museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information call 828- 286-2120, visit, or “Like” KidSenses on Facebook.

– article submitted by Marcia Monahan