Election signs being stolen, vandalized
Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A large Trump campaign sign on the corner of Redland Rd. and Hwy. 14/East Rutherford in Landrum was recently vandalized with red paint. Numerous political signs in the area are being stolen or vandalized as the campaign season gets more and more contentious. (Photo by Michael O’Hearn)
The drama of the 2016 election season has reached Polk County as political signs have been stolen and vandalized on both sides.
On Sunday evening, the Democratic Polk County Commissioner candidate banner was stolen from private property in Columbus at the intersection of Walker St. and Hwy. 108 as well as campaign yard signs around it. According to Pat Salomon, Polk County Democrat Headquarter Chair, Democratic signs from at least four other private properties in Tryon and Green Creek were also stolen Sunday night.
Trump signs have also been stolen from various locations around the county from private yards, according to reports made to the Polk County Republican Headquarters. Also on Sunday night, signs were stolen from the Republican Headquarters in Columbus as well as the headquarters’ Trump banner that was attached to the front of the building.
“Republican signs were also stolen from various locations around Columbus,” said Cheryl Every, Polk County Republican Headquarter Chair.
Salomon also said she understands a Donald Trump sign near the Triangle Stop in Tryon was burned.
“This kind of behavior is mean-spirited and counter-productive,” Salomon said. “I hope there is no more of it and in the future, Democrats remember Michelle Obama’s words, ‘When they go low, we go high.’”
Reports of stolen and vandalized signs have been made to both the Polk County Sheriff’s Office and the Columbus Police Department.
Voting in Polk County begins on Thursday, Oct. 20 at the Polk County Board of Elections in Columbus, The Mill Spring Fire Department and the Green Creek Fire Department.
For more information about this year’s election, visit www.polknc.org on the board of election’s department page.