Polk County Board of Commissioner agenda for Oct. 3

Published 10:00 pm Friday, September 30, 2016

Editor’s note: following is the agenda for the Polk County Board of Commissioner meeting on Monday, Oct. 3. There is a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. with the regular meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Commissioners meet in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, located on the second floor of the Womack building in Columbus.

6:30 P.M. – Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding an Ordinance Concerning Amending the Polk County Zoning Ordinance to Include Schools, Vocational, Business and Special Schools as a Permitted Use in Residential Estate/Low Density (RE1) Zoning Districts – Chair Gage.  The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on the recommendation from the Planning Board regarding an Ordinance Concerning Amending the Polk County Zoning Ordinance to Include Schools, Vocational, Business and Special Schools as a Permitted Use in Residential Estate/Low Density (RE1) Zoning Districts.  The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.  Cathy Ruth, Planner, will present the information, which is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #15.    

Citizen Comments

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7:00 P.M. – Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding an Installment Financing Agreement for the New Law Enforcement Complex – Chair Gage.  The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on an installment financing agreement for the new Law Enforcement Complex in the principal amount not to exceed $13,500,000, plus interest thereon.  The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.  Ms. Amy Vitner, Managing Director of First Tryon Securities, LLC, will present the information, which is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #16.

Citizen Comments

Commissioner Comments


Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chair Gage

Invocation – Pastor Gary Curtis, Green River Baptist Church

Pledge of Allegiance – Chair Gage

Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time.  Motion to approve. 

Consent Agenda

Approval of the September 19, 2016, regular meeting minutes.

Schedule an FY 2018 NCDOT Community Transportation Grants public hearing on October 17, 2016, @ 7:00 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, Columbus, NC.

Motion to approve the consent agenda.

Citizen Comments

An Ordinance Concerning Amending the Polk County Zoning Ordinance to Include Schools, Vocational, Business and Special Schools as a Permitted Use in Residential Estate/Low Density (RE1) Zoning Districts – To consider approval of the ordinance subsequent to the public hearing.  Motion to approve.

Resolution Making Certain Findings and Determinations Regarding the Installment Financing for a New Law Enforcement Complex for the County and Requesting the Local Government Commission to Approve the Financing Arrangement – To consider approval of the resolution subsequent to the public hearing.  Ms. Vitner will present the resolution.  Motion to approve. 

Uniform Schedules of Values, Standards, and Rules for the 2017 County-Wide Revaluation – To adopt the Uniform Schedules of Values, Standards, and Rules for the 2017 County-Wide Revaluation subsequent to the public hearing held on September 19, 2016.  Motion to approve. 

Foothills Express Update – Transportation Director Dianne Timberlake will present the update. 

Request for Donation of the Retired Polk County Library Bookmobile – Patrick McLendon, Executive Director of Growing Rural Opportunities (GRO), a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting farmers in Polk County, will present the request for the county to donate the former Polk County Library Bookmobile to GRO.  Motion to approve.

Lake Adger Water Supply Appraisal Status Report – Consultant Gerry Hartman will present the report.

Law Enforcement Complex Bids – For discussion only. 

Manager’s Report – Law Enforcement Complex site update.   

Commissioner Comments

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.