Rally in Columbus for National Day of Action calling for rejection of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, September 15, 2016

On Friday, Sept. 16, Polk County and surrounding area citizens will join with 350.org, CREDO, the Sierra Club, and others across the country in a national day of action in solidarity with tribal nations calling on President Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline permanently.

Last week, the Obama administration “suggested” a halt to construction of the pipeline, opening the door to using a more thorough review process that takes climate and tribal consultation into account. Construction, however, is continuing. 

We will be taking donations to send to the Standing Rock Sioux to help them withstand the winter as they continue to protect their sacred lands, in addition to raising awareness of this vital issue.

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In a historic moment of nonviolent resistance, thousands of people calling themselves protectors, not protestors, have gathered in North Dakota, to demand President Obama reject this proposal and listen to the citizens of the United States. If constructed, the Dakota Access pipeline would carry fracked oil from North Dakota to Illinois, cutting under the Missouri River less than a mile upstream from the Standing Rock Sioux’s drinking water supply as well as through the Tribe’s sacred and historical land.

This pipeline is a threat to Native heritage, their homes, and compromises resources vital to our survival. 

– article submitted by Sydney Klein

Want to go?

What: A peaceful solidarity event in conjunction with the national day of action against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Who: Polk County and surrounding area residents who want their voices in federal government heard.

When: 5-7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 16

Where: Polk County Courthouse Lawn, Columbus, N.C.

Visuals: We will have signs and banners.