Commercialization of Lake Lanier

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2016

To the editor:

From half vast minds come half vast ideas.

It is unbelievable that citizens of another town from another state believe that they have the right to wordsmith a town document with the intent to influence the quality of life of my community.

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The absurdity of such an action is once again beyond the realm of the Twilight Zone.

A review of the stewardship of Lake Lanier by the Town of Tryon, easily shows the Town’s previous significant achievements in its relation with the Lake Lanier community. Noticeably, Tryon has been a guiding force in the destruction of the lake area ecology, the destruction of a natural resource, and the infliction of an immeasurable negative impact on the value of Lake Lanier real estate.

Now, that Tryon has destroyed its own commercial vitality it has decided that with a modified Town document it will be able to create another illusion that possibly Lake Lanier is commercially under developed.  If that is indeed the case, my neighbors and I will address the situation accordingly.

Ours is a residentially zoned community. To paraphrase a peoples’ Peoples statement – “Mr. Mayor, you and your political cronies do not live in our community – so mind your own business.”

It also appears to me that the citizens of Tryon should be asking their Town administrators – “Why are you geniuses considering an activity that has the potential to compromise the quality and safety of our drinking water?”

As is the Mayor’s style, we face a likelihood that an “executive session” will be convened and the proposed language change will be approved. Bear in mind that any property rezoned as commercial will automatically fall under the mandates of the Americans With Disabilities Act, i.e., handicap accessibility, handicapped comfort and sanitation services, handicapped parking spaces, etc. I am sure that the Planning Commission considered this and that proof of compliance is already integrated into the application process.

~ Michael Verbonic, Landrum, S.C.