“Fall For Your Neighbor” coat and blanket collection begins Saturday

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, September 1, 2016

Monica Barber is pictured with a few of the 22 students who received new coats last year from Sunny View. (photo submitted by Lisa Moser)

Monica Barber is pictured with a few of the 22 students who received new coats last year from Sunny View. (photo submitted by Lisa Moser)

Warming The View is expanding this year to ensure as many coats and blankets reach those who need to stay warm throughout Polk County this winter. 

Warming The View was an event organized by Dee O’Brien and Lisa Moser the last two winters as a fundraiser for coats and blankets in the Sunny View community, particularly for children at Sunny View Elementary School.

O’Brien and Moser have teamed up this year with several businesses to expand their efforts for students in need of a coat at Polk Central, Tryon and Saluda Schools as well as Sunny View School.

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The first way to give to “Fall For Your Neighbor” this year will be tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 3 at the Mill Spring Farm Store. The Mill Spring Farm Store will accept donations of coats and blankets on Saturday from 10 a.m. -2 p.m. There will also be tastings there, hands-on local craftsman and artist demonstrations, a farmers market and local artisan items available for purchase.

“Please bring a coat and/or blanket to the Mill Spring Ag Center and help us keep our neighbors warm this winter,” Moser said.

Warming the View began two years ago as a grassroots effort to help friends and neighbors living in Sunny View stay warm during the cold winter season, Moser said.

“Last year, not only did our neighbors receive warm coats and blankets, but 22 children from Sunny View Elementary School received a new coat as well,” she said.

O’Brien and Moser’s vision from the inception of Warming the View was to provide a new coat and blanket to every student who needs one from each elementary school in the county.

That dream is coming closer to reality this year with more drop off points for people to leave donations and even more businesses volunteering to help the cause.

Pure Country Weavers of Lynn will once again donate new blankets to the effort. Polk County Sheriff Donald Hill and his staff, as well as Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry will also help provide new coats to students at not just Sunny View this year but also Polk Central, Tryon and Saluda schools.

For the last two years the drop off location has been McGuinn’s Store in Sunny View, but this year not only can people drop off coats at McGuinn’s Store, but also at the Tryon Coffeehouse in Tryon, The Nest Artisan Market in Landrum, Larkin’s Carolina Grill in Columbus, and the Mill Spring Farm Store in Mill Spring.

“We are very humbled by the generosity from everyone,” O’Brien and Moser said. “Our message is simple; community helping community. We are truly overwhelmed by the love and support from our neighbors and community at large.”

Anyone interested in donating a coat or blanket is urged to attend one of the events at the Mill Spring Farm Store beginning tomorrow. Other drop off dates include Oct. 15 and Nov. 12 at the Mill Spring Farm Store. Anyone who makes a donation will be entered into a drawing to win a basket of local flavors and artisan creations.

The distribution date will also be at the Mill Spring Farm Store on Dec. 10. All times are from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Drop offs can also be made during regular hours at the other stores listed throughout Polk County and Landrum.

For more information, email warmingtheview@gmail.com.