Unitarian Universalists to celebrate Homecoming with a Water Communion
Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, August 31, 2016
On Sept. 4, the Thermal Belt UU Fellowship will start the new church year with its annual Homecoming Service and Water Communion.
People are encouraged to bring a small amount of water from their home, travels or a favorite place. The sermon, entitled “I Am Still Learning,” will explore the theme of homecoming and what it means to assist others in finding their way back home as well, remembering that all who wander are not lost. Some just choose not to return home.
For us as UUs, we gather to affirm and to live our principles, to have fellowship, to nurture one another, and to strengthen each other for the road ahead. At times the road seems rough and meandering. At times it may feel as if we are taking two steps forward and three steps back. But just try to remember these four words that may help to make the journey a little less cumbersome: I Am Still Learning.
The Thermal Belt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship meets at 10:30 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month. Services are held at 835 N. Trade St. in Tryon. The fellowship welcomes all regardless of their spiritual path, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Coffee, refreshments and fellowship are available after the Service.
For more information about the fellowship call 828-513-0570 or follow them on Facebook at TBUUF.
– article submitted by Phil Nungesser