If Clinton wins, our nation will never recover

Published 3:10 pm Thursday, August 25, 2016

To the editor:

This letter is in response to Virgil Stucker’s Letter to the Editor (Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016) urging Christians to reconsider their support of Donald Trump.  As a Christian, I would like to offer another point of view.

Mr. Stucker stated when referring to Trump supporters, “he seems to give them permission to be angry and violent.” Never have I heard Trump advocate violence. The only violence I have witnessed has been from the supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, neither of whom have condemned that violence, by the way. Actually, the Democrats have encouraged the violence perpetrated by their supporters, especially by the Black Lives Matter gangs.

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Regarding the “angry” part – we have been angry for quite some time, well before Donald Trump declared his candidacy. We do not need anyone to give us “permission” to be angry about the destruction of our rights and destruction of our country by a thousand cuts. We don’t need permission to be angry about our veterans dying because they didn’t receive proper health care while the mismanaged VA spent $20 million on art work, or the fact that we are now nearly $20 trillion in debt, or the wholesale slaughtering of unborn babies by the millions, or the destruction of families from Liberal policies that have encouraged dependency on the mismanaged and corrupt welfare system.

We are angry that refugees are being brought here by the thousands and we have no idea who they are or their intentions. We have witnessed in Europe that the refugees are not assimilating to the Western culture, but rather expect Europe to change to fit their culture. The terror inflicted on innocent people has had an enormous effect, both from a societal and economic aspect. We don’t want that to happen here.

Mr. Stucker said that we don’t want to force our values on others. We aren’t. But we don’t want other cultures forcing their values on us in our own country. Trump wants immigrants to come here legally. What is wrong with that? Are we are nation of laws or not? Our leaders should not be allowed to pick and choose which laws they personally want to enforce.

We don’t want Trump to be a “tyrant,” as Mr. Stucker suggests. We want someone who views these things as a problem. We want someone who has some common sense, something sorely lacking in Washington. We want a leader who is not afraid to call it like it is and not worry about tiptoeing through the issues. We want someone who knows how to create jobs and has an understanding of how our massive overregulation and taxation has forced our businesses to go overseas and how to bring them back home.

Mr. Stucker said that “Trump is evil” yet does not give any evidence as such. Calling him that does not make it so. You want to know what “evil” looks like? Evil is a decades-long trail of one scandal after another; one lie after another; using one’s position of public service to enrich oneself to the tune of over $200 million.

Evil is ignoring hundreds of emails begging for more security and then ignoring desperate calls for help as four of our brave Americans were killed in Benghazi. Evil is knowingly lying to the American people about how and why it happened. Evil is looking into the eyes of the victims’ families and telling the same lie and then lying about lying.

Evil is intentionally setting up a server with less security than Gmail and using it to transmit the most highly sensitive information of the United States; putting at risk the lives of our operatives in extremely dangerous positions. One of them has already been executed. Evil is trying to cover your tracks by deleting tens of thousands of emails and then lying about it.

Evil is creating a fund that takes in hundreds of millions of dollars, using it to sell access to the uppermost levels of our government, and only giving out 10 percent to charitable causes.  Where is the other 90 percent?

Evil is a long string of dead bodies of people who have had information that could be damaging in a court of law. Evil is cheating during the election process – registering illegals and rigging the voting machines. That, Mr. Stucker, is what evil looks like.

Mr. Stucker compared Trump to the “Antichrist.” If you want to see the face of the Antichrist, I suggest you Google “George Soros.” He is Hillary’s major financial supporter and creator of a multitude of organizations designed to create chaos and division in America and abroad. There is a trail of deleted and now, recovered, emails proving that Soros was sending her instructions on foreign policy. We need to reject this kind of blatant disregard for our national security and egregious levels of corruption.

We are not electing a pastor. Donald Trump has his faults, but he is a very successful businessman who knows how to operate efficiently and how to cut through the rotten garbage that has been accumulating for years, strangling our country and our economy.

If Hillary Clinton wins this election, our nation will never recover.

~ Cheryl Every, Columbus, N.C.