Polk County FFA members attend state convention

Published 9:45 pm Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Outside the Raleigh Convention Center about to attend the second general session of the NCFFA State Convention are, back row: Clark Phipps, Caleb Potter, Gabe Petoia, Sam Korzelius, Dustin Walker; next row: John Daugherty, Aaron Adams, John “Jack” Derkach, Rick Burney; second row: Alexandria Dale, Caitlin Britton, Logan Morlino, and Samantha Contreras; and first row: Allison Edwards, Kendall Hall and Hunter Kilgore.

Outside the Raleigh Convention Center about to attend the second general session of the NCFFA State Convention are, back row: Clark Phipps, Caleb Potter, Gabe Petoia, Sam Korzelius, Dustin Walker; next row: John Daugherty, Aaron Adams, John “Jack” Derkach, Rick Burney; second row: Alexandria Dale, Caitlin Britton, Logan Morlino, and Samantha Contreras; and first row: Allison Edwards, Kendall Hall and Hunter Kilgore.

Polk County FFA members attended the 88th annual North Carolina Future Farmers of America State Convention in Raleigh, N.C. on June 21-23. Students attended general sessions lead by the NCFFA state officers, participated in an agriculture career fair, toured North Carolina State University’s campus and competed in state level competitions. The teams competing from Polk County were Introduction to Horticulture, Floriculture, Nursery Landscape and Tool Identification.

Introduction to Horticulture team members include Sam Korzelius, John “Jack” Derkach, Clark Phipps and Logan Morlino (10th place).

Floriculture team members include Alexandria Dale, Caitlin Britton, Kendall Hall and Hunter Kilgore (7th place).

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Nursery Landscape team members include John Daugherty, Samantha Contreras, Allison Edwards and Aaron Adams (10th place).

Tool Identification team members include Rick Burney, Dustin Walker, Gabe Petoia, and Caleb Potter (9th place).

– article submitted

by Ashley Gilbert