Lydia Circle meets at House of Flags

Published 3:30 pm Monday, July 25, 2016

From left to right: Suzy Basler, Laraine Wells, Gail Marshall, Charlotte Giszczak, Cynthia Warrell, Carol Mann, Carol Jean Vosburgh, Maryneal Jones, Virginia Sechrest, Susan Hettinger, Donna Wise, Edna Boone, Sherril Wingo, Janet Joens (Photo by Bob Williamson)

From left to right: Suzy Basler, Laraine Wells, Gail Marshall, Charlotte Giszczak, Cynthia Warrell, Carol Mann, Carol Jean Vosburgh, Maryneal Jones, Virginia Sechrest, Susan Hettinger, Donna Wise, Edna Boone, Sherril Wingo, Janet Joens (Photo by Bob Williamson)

Bob Williamson, docent at the House of Flags in Columbus, gave a half-hour tour of the House of Flags for the Lydia Circle’s July get together.

Did you know that the museum pays $1 a year to the county for rent? And that the crescent on South Carolina’s flag is not a moon, but a gorchet, an emblem that was worn on the caps of South Carolina militia?

If you haven’t been to the museum, the only flag museum in the country, it is worth a visit. After the tour, members of the Lydia Circle went on for their meeting and lunch at Southern Manners.

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Under the coordination of Suzy Basler and Carol Mann, all had helped make dresses out of pillowcases for “Little Girl’s Dresses for Africa.” People around the country make dresses and donate to this program. It comes out of Michigan and goes to children in extreme poverty.

For info on future Lydia Circle meetings, please be in touch with the church office at 828-859-9414. All women of the church are welcome.

The Lydia Circle, named after Lydia who was a strong supporter of the Apostle Paul, an important part of Women of Worship (WOW) of The Congregational Church of Tryon, meets every month for fellowship, to learn more about issues that affect them all as women, as a church, as a nation, and to aid its church and members and its community as the need arises.

– article submitted

by Ellen Harvey Zipf