Celebrating a “Tryonversary” today

Published 12:39 pm Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dustin Wood and Kyli Wolfson

Dustin Wood and Kyli Wolfson

Dustin Wood and his fiancée Kyli Wolfson are celebrating today what they call their “Tryonversary,” or the anniversary of their move to Tryon from Florida, July 12, 2011. The couple fell in love with Tryon and moved here in 2011, planning to make it as their permanent home, away from the hustle and bustle of Jacksonville, Fla. “We liked Tryon’s small town feel, and everything fell together for us to move, and everyone was so nice to us once we got there,” said Wood.

Their happiness in Tryon was short-lived however, when less than a year after their move, Kyli was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. Medical treatments took the couple away from the area, to Mission, Duke and later to Minnesota where she had an extensive operation. The couple now resides with her parents in New Jersey as she recovers and the couple tries to get back on their feet financially.

One thing that has sustained the couple through the medical hardships has been their love of Tryon, represented by a model of Morris the Horse which has accompanied them the past few years. Morris, according to Wood, was on the hospital bedside table next to his fiancée, and now is on their mantel in New Jersey, a quaint reminder of the town they love.

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“We miss Tryon dearly,” said Wood. “So many people meant so much to us while we were there. It’s been a rough journey, and if we can get to the point where we’re better, we’re coming back. We’ll celebrate at North Trade Café and go across the street and pat Morris on the head.”

–  article submitted

by Claire Sachse