Polk residents protest River Road paving
Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, June 28, 2016
To the editor:
Many people do not understand why Hunting Country values our gravel roads so highly. Hunting Country is a very unique and special place, a beautiful and tranquil place to live. We are unique in that we have four major gravel roads: Scrivens, River Road, Carriage Row and South River Road. We are the only residential area with that many gravel roads for many types of use.
These roads are used daily by many residents: By the area high school running teams, by carriage riders, joggers, walkers and bikers. By horse riders and people simply wanting to enjoy the Pacolet River.
Many people have moved to the Hunting Country for our gravel roads. Without these roads, Hunting Country would be just another community. That’s why we value these roads so much and our HC Association is dedicated to protecting them. These roads are Americana. They are priceless, our heartbeat and joy. They are indeed Hunting Country.
When the decision was made to pave River Road in 2015, the HC Association conducted a month long poll of all residents. Almost 200 responses showed 85 percent were against paving with 15 percent in favor. Considering this strong majority, the HC Association worked with the NCDOT to prevent the paving from occurring. The association will make every effort in the future to prevent this from happening again.
There are many beautiful areas in Polk County to buy a home and live. To potential buyers who don’t enjoy gravel roads, a little dust, or an occasional bump, we would ask that you please consider one of those areas. We always welcome new individuals and families who move here but our gravel roads are our heritage.
The majority of our residents in HC and the Hunting Country Association Board love these four roads and we want to keep them as they are, always.
~ Phil Burrus
Hunting Country Association
Tryon, N.C.