Who is Andy Millard?

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, June 7, 2016

To the editor:

Last week I received an invitation to attend a fundraiser for Congressional candidate Andy Millard accompanied by an envelope to contribute to the campaign. After reading the cover letter several times I realized I only knew that Andy had a really nice resume and that he has been a meaningful contributor to our local education efforts and has participated in a number of local events. I can readily conclude that he is a really nice guy and someone I would really like as a friend. BUT, who is Andy really and what would he stand for in Congress?

Nothing in his literature tells me whether he a Democrat, Republican or Independent. Is he for the Constitution? Is he liberal, conservative or progressive? Is he for or against a balanced budget? What about neutral gender bath rooms, common core or recognizing valedictorians?

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Nothing in the literature I received addresses any of these things. So, just who is Andy Millard?  I would be a totally uninformed voter and I work hard not to be one.

Perhaps he will clarify some of these things in the future. Even just some basic clarifications would be helpful.

~ Jim Strausbaugh, 

Tryon, N.C.