Landrum Police Department offering “Are You Ok?” program

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Landrum Police Department is offering the “Are You Ok?” telephone system to the residents of Landrum.

Developed with a focus on elderly residents, homebound individuals and latch key children, the automated system will contact individuals signed up for the program on a daily basis to give reassurance for their well being and a sense of security, according to Landrum Police Department Chief Tim Edgens.

Family and friends who find it difficult to maintain constant and reliable contact with their families are urged to sign up for this program, according to Edgens.

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According to the “Are You Ok?” informational brochure, the program consists of a personal computer, telephone and printer and the “Are You Ok?” software. The system automatically calls each person registered with the system at a predetermined time and, when a response is received, delivers a prerecorded message.

Should the recipient not answer the call, a visual message is played on the person’s computer screen in addition to an audio message through the computer speakers. Emergency information on the subscriber, including the names of next of kin and the doctor’s contact information, is generated in a printout along with the person’s medical history.

The software runs in the background of a person’s computer and the system can handle up to 150 calls per hour with a 20-second voice message. The program does not charge the subscriber except for the phone line, electricity for the computer, printer paper and printer supplies.

Field interview forms can be found at Landrum City Hall and ask subscribers to provide information regarding their address, emergency contacts, medical history and those authorized to be key holders at the person’s home.

For more information, visit Landrum City Hall at 100 N Shamrock Ave. or call the Landrum Police Department at 864-457-7281.