Polk County’s primary election results now official
Published 10:08 pm Thursday, March 24, 2016
By Leah Justice
Polk County’s Tuesday, March 15 primary election results were made official this week after the Polk County Board of Elections conducted its official canvassing of votes.
Polk County voters chose their party nominations for U.S. president and county commissioners among other state nominations. Polk voters chose Bernie Sanders on the Democratic ticket for U.S. president and Donald Trump on the Republican ticket for U.S. president.
Trump won in all seven of Polk’s precincts, while Sanders won in Coopers Gap, Saluda and Green Creek and Hillary Clinton won in White Oak, Columbus 1, Columbus 2 and Tryon precincts.
Polk voters also voted in favor of the Connect NC Public Improvement Bond referendum. All of the county’s seven precincts voted in favor of the bond except for Coopers Gap, which voted against the bond 258 against and 235 in favor.
Voters also chose Polk County commissioner candidates Penny Padgett, Rhonda Lewis and Russell Mierop as Democrats and Jake Johnson, Tommy Melton and Myron Yoder as Republicans. Those candidates will run for three open seats on the board of commissioners during the general election on Nov. 8.
Polk County’s voter turnout for the primary was 38.98 percent, which was 6,023 ballots cast out of 15,450 registered voters in the county.
To see a full list by precinct, visit www.ncsbe.gov and go to election results. By clicking on “view contest details” on each race a precinct breakdown can be viewed.
Following are charts with official votes from Polk County for Democrat, Republican and Libertarian tickets:
U.S. President-Rep
Donald Trump 1,650
Ted Cruz 1,138
John R. Kasich 464
Marco Rubio 223
Ben Carson 34
Rand Paul 13
Jeb Bush 12
Mike Huckabee 10
No Preference 10
Carly Fiorina 6
Chris Christie 2
U.S. President-Dem
Bernie Sanders 1,135
Hillary Clinton 1,109
No Preference 52
Martin J. O’Malley 22
Roque Rocky De La Fuente 8
U.S. President-Lib
No Preference 9
Gary Johnson 3
John David Hale 2
Barbara Joy Waymire 2
Austin Petersen 1
U.S. Senate-Rep
Richard Burr 1,473
Greg Brannon 923
Paul Wright 340
Larry Holmquist 238
U.S. Senate-Dem
Deborah K. Ross 1,397
Chris Rey 206
Kevin D. Griffin 174
Ernest T. Reeves 160
N.C. Governor-Rep
Pat McCrory 2,491
Charles Kenneth Moss 374
C. Robert Brawley 322
N.C. Governor-Dem
Roy Cooper 1,464
Ken Spaulding 548
N.C. Lieutenant Governor-Dem
Holly Jones 1,007
Linda Coleman 588
Robert Earl Wilson 174
Ronald L. Newton 148
N.C. Attorney General-Rep
Buck Newton 1,354
Jim O’Neill 1,189
N.C. Attorney General-Dem
Josh Stein 1,242
Marcus W. Williams 625
N.C. Commissioner of Agriculture-Rep
Steve Troxler 1,497
Andy Stevens 1,063
N.C. Commissioner of Insurance-Rep
Mike Causey 942
Joe McLaughlin 783
Ronald (Ron) Pierce 694
N.C. Commissioner of Labor-Dem
Charles Meeker 1,040
Mazie Ferguson 799
N.C. Secretary of State-Rep
Michael LaPaglia 1,382
A.J. Daoud 1,041
N.C. Supt. Of Public Instruction-Rep
Mark Johnson 1,217
Rosemary Stein 956
J. Wesley Sills 287
N.C. Supt. Of Public Instruction-Dem
June Atkinson 1,598
Henry J. Pankey 312
N.C. Treasurer-Dem
Dan Blue III 1,098
Ron Elmer 734
N.C. State Senate District 47-Dem
Tim Murphy 976
Mary Jane Boyd 908
N.C. House of Representatives District 113-Rep
Cody Henson 1,682
Coty James Ferguson 825
County Board of Commissioners-Rep
Jake Johnson 2,032
Tommy Melton 1,778
Myron L. Yoder 1,590
John Dennis Hill 1,221
Josh Denton 1,145
County Board of Commissioners-Dem
Penny Padgett 1,571
Rhonda Lewis 1,488
Russell A. Mierop 1,196
Kim Pack 1,105
Connect NC Public Improvement Bond
For 3,431
Against 2,175