Banquet to raise funds for local prison ministry

Published 10:27 am Monday, March 14, 2016

Legacy of the Cross, a ministry to assist former prison inmates, will hold a free dinner Tuesday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m. at Midway Baptist Church, Family Life Center, 2101 N.C. Hwy 108, Columbus, NC.


Dinner is free, but your generous donation will be appreciated. You must

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Only 250 seats are available so confirm your attendance soon.


Jack “Murf the Surf” Murphy will be the special guest speaker. Murphy, an

infamous jewel thief, surfing champion, musician, author, artist, playboy, prisoner with two life sentences, who spent 21 years in maximum security prisons, is

now a world renowned prison evangelist and speaks throughout the US and 16 foreign countries including Israel and Russia, telling the story of his journey and greatest miracle experience, a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Come and listen to a triumphant champion of redemption and hope.


-Submitted by Michael Hamm