Public input needed for our 2016 resolutions
Published 9:10 pm Friday, December 4, 2015
BY David Friday
With Christmas just around the corner and the New Year approaching, we look to the future and to achieving our goals for a clean, beautiful and inviting Polk County. The Appearance Commission would like to invite public input for any and all ideas and recommendations to achieve these goals from our area community leaders and all concerned citizens. This would include all county commissioners, county management, and all area mayors and town council. And most importantly, all citizens of Polk County.
We are trying to achieve an inviting atmosphere for any visitors or newcomers to this area and this should be a priority of all public officials and residents since this would be beneficial for our tourism, economic growth and development. Community involvement is key to our success and we should all take pride in our outstanding naturally beautiful environment.
Our goals are very simple and should be attainable: have a clean (litter free), beautiful (The entries into our county and into our towns are tastefully landscaped and cared for with attractive low maintenance plants), inviting (A system of coordinated signs guides our visitors and guests to the many attractions and features of our county).
We would like this article to serve as an instrument of feedback from any concerned to give ideas for achieving these three goals that are so important to maintain our beautiful foothills that we are all privileged to be a part of and enjoy every day. Below is a listing of areas we would appreciate any ideas you may have.
- What three issues do you consider are most important to improve the appearance of Polk County?
- What areas do you feel should be preserved and protected in Polk County?
- What appearance problems do you feel need to be looked at for improvement?
- What public policies do you feel help our efforts to achieve our goals for a clean, beautiful, and inviting environment?
Please take a moment to think of ways to help us with this most important work from which we all benefit.
All contributions made to the Polk County Appearance Commission are tax deductible.
The 2015 Appearance Commission beautification awards will be given at the Polk County Commissioners meeting on Dec. 7.
Lastly, The Polk County Appearance Commission would like to wish all our friends and neighbors a beautiful and safe holiday season.
Contact the Polk County Appearance Commission at PO Box 308, Columbus, N.C. 28722, call 894-2324, visit, or email