Polk County Board of Commissioner Nov. 16 agenda

Published 8:11 pm Saturday, November 14, 2015


Editor’s Note: Following is the Polk County Board of Commissioner regular meeting agenda for Monday, Nov. 16. The meeting takes place in the second floor meeting room of the Womack building in Columbus. A public hearing will begin at 6 p.m. with the regular meeting beginning at 7 p.m.


Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding an Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance Establishing a New Zoning District to be Known as the Equestrian Village District & Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map Rezoning Certain Areas as Equestrian Village District – Chair Pack. The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on the proposed Equestrian Village District.  Cathy Ruth, Planner, will present the information. The public hearing was advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #15.

Citizen Comments

Commissioner Comments


Call to Order of the Public Hearing Regarding an Amendment Ordinance to Modify the White Oak Development Agreement Between Tryon Equestrian Properties, LLC, Tryon Equestrian Properties No. 2, LLC, and the County of Polk – Chair Pack. The purpose of the public hearing is to take public comment on the proposed Equestrian Village District.  Cathy Ruth, Planner, will present the information. The public hearing was advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #16.

Citizen Comments

Commissioner Comments


Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chair Pack

Invocation – Chair Pack

Pledge of Allegiance – Vice-Chair Holbert


Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.


Consent Agenda


A)    October 19, 2015, public hearing and regular meeting minutes.

B)   Tax Department October 2015 refund request – $334.92.

C)   Budgeted Transportation Department Capital Expenditure, 2016 Ford Raised Roof Van – $46,956.

D)   Schedule a Transportation Authority public hearing on December 7, 2015, at 6:30 P.M. regarding a request for proposed changes to transportation fares.

E)   Schedule an Economic Development public hearing on December 7, 2015, to immediately follow the preceding Transportation Authority public hearing, regarding a request for $3,000 of Economic Development funds by the local SCORE chapter. (SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.)

F)    Schedule a second Economic Development public hearing on December 7, 2015, to immediately follow the preceding Economic Development public hearing, regarding Economic Development Director Robert Williamson’s contract.

G)   Schedule a Department of Social Services public hearing on December 7, 2015, to immediately follow the preceding Economic Development public hearing, regarding a Consolidated Human Services Agency.

Motion to approve the consent agenda.

Citizen Comments


An Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance Establishing a New Zoning District to be Known as the Equestrian Village District & Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map Rezoning Certain Areas as Equestrian Village District – To consider approval of the proposed Equestrian Village District subsequent to the public hearing.  Motion to approve.


An Amendment Ordinance to Modify the White Oak Development Agreement Between Tryon Equestrian Properties, LLC, Tryon Equestrian Properties No. 2, LLC, and the County of Polk – To consider approval of the proposed amendment ordinance subsequent to the public hearing.  Motion to approve.


Resolution Endorsing the Application for Comprehensive Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning Grant Funds by the Towns of Tryon & Columbus – Recreation Director Jerry Stensland will present the resolution.


Global Electric Electronic Processing Recycling Services Agreement – Larry Walker, Solid Waste Director, will present the agreement.  Motion to approve.


Polk Fresh Foods (PFF) Progress Report – John Britton, PFF Chairman, will present the update.


Dixon Hughes Goodman (DHG) 2015 Audit Presentation – A representative from DHG will give the presentation.  Motion to approve.


Lake Adger/Turner Shoals Dam Upgrades – David Odom of Odom Engineering will present a recommendation on the next steps on the dam upgrades.


Proposed Hwy. 9 Waterlines, and Pump Station Location & Estimates – Mr. Odom will give an overview of the project and present the estimates.  Motion to approve.


Economic & Tourism Development Commission (ETDC) Reframing Resolution – Robert Williamson, Economic Development Director, will discuss the resolution for possible action.


McGill & Associates Water Issues White Paper – Commissioner Gasperson asked that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion.


Manager’s Report – Consolidated Human Services Agency update.


Volunteer Board for Vote – Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – 1 application, 1 vacancy.  Motion to approve.


Commissioner Comments


Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.