Polk County Board of Commissioners Sept. 28 meeting agenda

Published 12:01 am Saturday, September 26, 2015

Editor’s Note: Following is the Polk County Board of Commissioner regular meeting agenda for Monday, Sept. 28. The meeting takes place in the second floor meeting room of the Womack building in Columbus beginning at 7 p.m.

  1. Call to Order – Chair Pack
  2. Invocation – Commissioner Gage
  3. Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Gasperson


  1. Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.


  1. Consent Agenda


A)    August 24, 2015, regular meeting minutes.

B)   Tax Department August 2015 refund request – $11,190.17.

C)   October 19, 2015, 7:00 P.M. public hearing for three FY 2015 Transportation Department grant applications – Appalachian Development Transportation Assistance Program, Community Transportation Program, and Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Program.

D)   Polk County Recreation Board updated bylaws, which were amended to include the appointment of a non-voting ex officio member under the age of eighteen.

E)   Formal ratification of a proclamation adopted by consensus on September 10, 2015, in honor of retiring Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry Executive Director Carol Newton.



  1. Citizen Comments
  2. September 2015 – Military Suicide Awareness Month Resolution – Joyce Preston of the Polk County Memorial Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post #9116 will present the resolution.  Motion to approve.
  3. September 11, 2001, Resolution of Remembrance – Mr. Bevin Corbin, Commander, P.C. Memorial VFW Post #9116, will present the resolution.  Motion to approve.
  4. POW/MIA Recognition Day Proclamation – Mr. Tim Lawrence, Jr., Vice-Commander, P.C. Memorial VFW Post #9116, will present the proclamation.  Motion to approve.

10. Domestic Violence Awareness Month – To consider approving a proclamation declaring October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Lee Lindsay, Steps to Hope Executive Director, will give a brief subject matter presentation.

11. Monitoring Well Replacement for Water Quality Sample Improvement at the Route 9 Landfill – Stu Ryman of Altamont Environmental will present the information.  Motion to approve.

12. Economic Development Activity Report – Robert Williamson, Economic Development Director, will present the report.

13. Bright’s Creek Property Tax Appeals/Settlement Offers – County Attorney Jana Berg will present the three appeals for formal ratification by the Board.  Motion to approve.

14. Budget Amendment Presentation – Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, will present BA #1, Contingency/Fund Balance, Public Buildings, $11,147 – Emergency replacement of the historic courthouse’s heating and air conditioning system.  The budget amendment for the necessary expenditure was approved by Board consensus on August 24, 2015.

15. Budget Amendment – Ms. Hughes will present BA #2, Appropriate Fund Balance, Administration, $32,281 – To fund the new approved position “Administrative/Accounting Office Assistant”; the amount requested estimates nine months of annual cost.

16. Consolidated Human Services Agency – County Manager Pittman asked that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion.  The Board may direct the County Manager to work with the DSS Board in identifying members for the new Human Services Agency Board.

17. DSS Building Update – Vice-Chair Holbert will give the update.

18. Animal Cruelty Investigators – Commissioner Gasperson asked that this item be placed on the agenda to consider reappointing Patti Lovelace and Nancy Hasselbring as Animal Cruelty Investigators.  Motion to approve.

19. Manager’s Report – 1) Tax Department collection rate.  2) Adult Day Care Center closure.

20. Volunteer Board for Vote – Economic & Tourism Development Commission – 1 application, 3 vacancies.  Motion to approve.

21. Volunteer Boards for Review – Mental Health Advisory Board – 1 application, 1 vacancy; Tryon Fire District Tax Commission – 3 application, 3 vacancies.

22. Commissioner Comments

23. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.