Fitness past 40: Healthy Aging Series continues Tuesday

Published 1:30 pm Monday, September 21, 2015

So, you’re over 40 and each year you’ve added a little weight …and it’s not muscle, because we all know that fades as we age. You can look at a piece of cake and gain weight! You notice that every day you’re not sure where you are going to have a new ache or pain. Fellas, you have to wear a belt now because somehow you’ve got more gut and less butt! And the ladies are finding parts that are more flabby than firm. Yet, we are all living longer and want to stay active and enjoy our “golden years.” What could possibly go wrong?

PRO Physical Therapy & Fitness Center invites you to attend Part 4 of their special series on Healthy Aging on Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, at 5:30. Fitness Past 40 will be the topic of discussion with panelists Dan LaPlaca, Med, ATC, PT, Fitness Instructor Nancy Cunningham and certified Personal Coach Rogelio Najera.  They invite you to come with your questions about fitness for healthy aging.

Owner and Physical Therapist, Dan LaPlaca, says, “There are things you can do now to get on track, no matter what your age, but in order to do it, exercise can’t be random, and it has to be personalized and purposeful.  Here’s your opportunity to learn what to do to get the best return on your fitness investment.”

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Both Cunningham, who has been with PRO for more than nine years and is the fearless leader of  the very popular “Use It or Lose It” class, as well as Najera, who provides personal coaching and teaches a variety of fitness classes, look forward to taking questions from and sharing their experiences with members and guests.

The Healthy Aging Series will continue on Sept. 29 when the final session covers the vital topic of Preventing Falls for Healthy Aging with Erin Alley, MPT and Lynette Fisher, RN with Board Certification in Gerontology.

For more information or directions to our facility, please call PRO Physical Therapy & Fitness Center office at 894-0277.

– Submitted by Billie Jordan