Strategic planning by SC? Where’s Raleigh?

Published 10:00 pm Monday, August 17, 2015

To the editor:

Forbes says Charlotte is the fifth fastest growing city the US. CNN Money says Greenville is the ninth fastest. The entire character of the Greenville-Charlotte corridor will change over the coming years, certainly over the next 75. Big corporations are going to want water and electricity. Do you think the Campobello Duke power lines, and Polk-Campobello water deal, are coincidental? Unconnected? Do you think Campobello country bumpkins are behind either? South Carolina is doing outstanding strategic planning for the future. North Carolina will provide the resources to fuel Upstate South Carolina’s growth and industrial base. Years from now, leaders in Raleigh from both sides of the aisle who presently have no knowledge of, or interest in, Western North Carolina matters, will say, “How did we let Polk County give away our water?”

Lee L. Stockdale
Lynn, N.C.

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