What’s the rush?
Published 9:44 am Tuesday, July 14, 2015
To the editor:
There are many unanswered or unsatisfactorily answered questions regarding the Inman Campobello Water District (ICWD) water deal. Yet, our commissioners are rushing headlong to get this deal under contract as early as next month. This contract would surrender our water rights, our children’s water rights and our grandchildren’s water rights for the next 75 years.
The term of 75 years for this contract is exorbitant. Nobody has the foresight to envision the future in Polk County that many years away. Why not something like 10 years, maybe with options to renew at 10-year intervals based on changed circumstances?
This water contract is being rushed through without any reliance on outside consultants or experts, despite calls from the taxpayers to get some help. The point has been made that they (commissioners) have no idea of the value of this water, now or in the future. How can a 75-year contract be enacted when the value of the water (the main ingredient) is not understood? Outside help in the form of independent consultants and experts is clearly needed for something so valuable as our water.
So, it is only logical that the flexibility offered by the remaining seven years on the existing (very good) contract with ICWD should be used to carefully examine this new deal with ICWD, and come to some sound conclusions on what should be done for the best interests of Polk County citizens. Anything short of that is irresponsible government.
David Maxwell
Columbus, N.C.