Only one to file so far for town elections

Published 1:01 am Friday, July 10, 2015

By Leah Justice

Filing for Polk County municipal election this year has been ongoing all week and only one candidate had filed as of late Wednesday, according to the Polk County Board of Elections Office.

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Tryon Mayor Jim Wright filed for re-election on the first day of filing, which was Monday, July 6.

Others up for re-election in the towns of Columbus and Tryon and City of Saluda include: Columbus Mayor Eric McIntyre and council members Richard Hall, Margaret Metcalf and Scott Hamby; Saluda commissioners Lynn Cass and Leon Morgan and Tryon commissioners George Baker and Roy Miller.

Filing for the municipal election continues until next Friday, July 17 at noon. Filing can be done at the Polk County Board of Elections Office, located on the second floor of the Womack building in downtown Columbus.

This year’s election will be on Tuesday, Nov. 3. The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 9, according to the N.C. State Board of Elections. Early voting will begin this year on Oct. 22 and end on Oct. 31, according to the state board of elections office.