Set painting for TLT
Published 10:00 pm Monday, June 29, 2015

Amelia Nespeca, Anastasia Ballard, Ariel Ballard, Ansley Boyce and Sadie Rogers are working on the set for “Dorothy in Wonderland,” set to run July 16-19.
When a call goes out for ‘all hands on deck’ to start painting set pieces for TLT’s Youth Production of “Dorothy in Wonderland,” you know some enthusiastic kids will turn up. From the littlest to the largest, anyone can have fun wielding a paint brush—especially when it’s loaded with lots of bright colors!
Amelia Nespeca, Anastasia Ballard, Ariel Ballard, Ansley Boyce and Sadie Rogers look like they’re having too much fun, but the hard work of learning lines and blocking is always looming!
“Dorothy in Wonderland” runs from July 16-19 at the Tryon Fine Arts Center. Tickets will go on sale soon.
– Submitted by Monica Jones