Going the extra mile

Published 9:57 pm Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thumbs Up!

To the editor:
We all have many reasons to treasure our local IGA Grocery. I would like to add one more to the long list.


Several weeks ago, my sister, our small dog, Tippy, and I were going to run a few errands. Coming down Carolina Drive, I realized the car engine wasn’t running, so we coasted into the IGA parking lot. My car would go in reverse, but would not go forward (I later found out the alternator was not working).


It was very hot that day, and soon we were all sweltering in the hot car while waiting for AAA to arrive. I went into IGA and asked Bobby, one of the employees, if there was anyone that could be spared for a few minutes and that I could pay to take my sister and my dog up Carolina Drive to our home.


Willard immediately asked Bobby to drive them home, which she promptly did. I was so thankful that all of us didn’t have to suffer in the heat! And as I waited, they sent someone out with a bottle of cold water for me.


Many thanks to Willard, Bobby and all the wonderful people of IGA. They always go the extra mile (literally!).


Melinda Hudgins
Tryon, N.C.