City of Saluda to upgrade computer hardware/software

Published 9:04 pm Monday, June 15, 2015

The City of Saluda has decided to upgrade its computer system by adding a central storage, backup storage, Microsoft Office and capacity for CAD drawings.

Saluda City Council met June 8 and discussed the need for new computer hardware and software.

Saluda Zoning Administrator Jon Cannon explained the issues, including that backup of Saluda’s documents are currently stored on flash drives.

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Cannon recommended Saluda purchase equipment for $4,909 and spend $1,973 annually for maintenance.

“Currently, the City of Saluda does not have a central storage for computer data nor does this data have a consistent and automatic backup,” Cannon said in a memo to the board of commissioners. “This creates a situation where data loss is imminent. A NAS drive provides central storage which then allows for the opportunity of consistent and automatic backup.”

Cannon recommended Acronis Software for the city to have consistent and automatic backup of data. Acronis Software operates backups, which are stored on external hard drives and cloud storage if the city desired, according to Cannon.

Cannon also recommended a subscription to Office 365 since currently not all city computers have current and professional versions of Microsoft Office.

The city does not currently have the ability to have CAD drawings and relies on engineers and vendors to house the city’s maps and drawings. Cannon said a basic CAD program will allow the city to house sewer and water maps and other drawings.

Saluda Mayor Fred Baisden said the city really needs to have its own data so when utility workers go out to find something in the system it’s there. He said the city needs to start building its system.