Polk County Board of Commissioner June 15 agenda

Published 10:56 pm Friday, June 12, 2015

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 Editor’s Note: Following is the Polk County Board of Commissioner regular meeting agenda for Monday, June 15. The meeting takes place in the second floor meeting room of the Womack building in Columbus, beginning at 7 p.m.

  1. Call to Order of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Polk County Sign Ordinance Text Amendment – Chair Pack.  The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on the proposed Polk County Sign Ordinance Text Amendment.  Cathy Ruth, Planner, will present the information.  The public hearing was advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.  The information is in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #11.
  2. Citizen Comments
  3. Commissioner Comments
  4. Adjournment

  1. Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chair Pack
  2. Invocation – Commissioner Gage
  3. Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Gasperson


  1. Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.


  1. Consent Agenda

A)  Approval of the May 29, 2015, special meeting minutes, and the June 1, 2015, public hearing and regular meeting minutes.

Motion to approve the consent agenda. 


10. Citizen Comments


11. Proposed Polk County Sign Ordinance Text Amendment for Vote – To consider approval of the text amendment subsequent to the public hearing.  Motion to approve.


12. Presentation of Plaques to Retiring DSS Employees – Lou Parton, DSS Director, will give the presentation.


13. Reappointment of the County Tax Administrator – To reappoint Melissa Bowlin as the Tax Administrator.  Motion to approve.


14. 2017 Reappraisal of Polk County Real Property for Vote – To vote to approve the company to conduct the 2017 real property reappraisal. The proposals were reviewed at the June 1, 2015, regular BOC meeting.  Electronic copies of the proposals are available for review at www.polknc.org.  Motion to approve.


15. Presentation of Potential Future Locations of Major County Water Trunk Lines – Dave Odom of Odom Engineering will present the layout.


16. FY 2015/16 Polk County Annual Budget – Budget work sessions were held on May 18, 2015, and May 19, 2014.  The budget public hearing was held on June 1, 2015.  The Budget Ordinance is in the packet.  Motion to approve.


17. Polk Fresh Foods Grant Agreement – To consider approval of the grant agreement reviewed at the June 1, 2015, regular meeting.  Motion to approve.  If the agreement is approved, a second motion will be needed to authorize County Manager Pittman to sign the agreement on behalf of the county.


18. Budget Amendments – Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, will present the budget amendments.  1) BA #15, Maintenance, Contingency, $22,000 – To increase Maintenance Building Repair and Capital for new air conditioning units for the tag and tax office.  Motion to approve.  2) BA #19, EMS, Addition, $15,600 – To increase revenue and expense for providing service to Tryon Equestrian Properties.  Motion to approve.  3) BA #108, Water Enterprise Fund, Transfer, $32,980 – To transfer fund balance from the Water Enterprise Fund to pay for the sewer maintenance paid to James & James that is now a function of General Fund utilities since the Water Enterprise Fund is inactive.  Motion to approve.    (NOTE:  Budget amendments received after the agenda deadline may be added to the agenda the night of the meeting.)


19. July-December 2015 Regular BOC Meeting Schedule for Vote – To approve the proposed meeting schedule for the remainder of the calendar year.  Motion to approve.


20. Manager’s Report – 1) Sunny View waterline update.  2) June 6, 2015, Tryon Equestrian event update.

21. Volunteer Boards for Vote – Appearance Commission – 1 application, 3 vacancies; Board of Adjustment – 2 applications, 2 vacancies; Council on Aging – 1 application, 1 vacancy; Home & Community Care Block Grant – 1 application, 2 vacancies; Isothermal Community College Board of Trustees – 1 application, 1 vacancy; Planning Board Alternate at Large – 2 applications, 1 vacancy; Transportation Advisory Board – 2 applications, 3 vacancies; Tryon Planning Board Alternate ETJ – 1 application, 1 vacancy.


22. Volunteer Boards for Review – Adult Care & Nursing Home Care Advisory Board – 1 application, 1 vacancy.


23. Commissioner Comments


24. Closed Session – Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of attorney-client privilege, G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3).


25. Return to Open Session – Motion to return to open session.


26. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.