Roadway needs vs. wants

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, April 28, 2015

To the editor:

Whoa – hold your horses!

What are the Commissioners thinking? Spending over one million dollars for a private drive for the Tryon Equestrian Center and a few local folk that already have good access to Highway 74 or Pea Ridge Road.

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The next time you are driving on any Polk County road think what ONE Million Dollars would do to fix potholes.

Think about Highway 9 that needs to be widened from Mill Spring to the Rutherford County line by at least four feet.

Think about the bridge over Green River on Highway 9 that is an accident waiting to happen.

Think about the bridge over Green River on Highway 108 that was built for 1940-1950 traffic.

Think about that when your teeth chatter at that pothole you hit or you have to dodge an 18-wheeler on either of the narrow bridges mentioned above.

These are just a few of the NEEDS of Polk County compared to the WANTS of just a few.

Pat Wilson
Mill Spring, N.C.