“Be careful what you say around here”
Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, April 28, 2015
To the editor:
I was talking to a friend who had lunch several days before with some friends in one of our area restaurants. When she told them a faculty member and some students in a mid-western university had created a papier mache effigy of a Ku Klux Klansman, and attached paper to him describing many of the crimes they had committed.
The woman sitting across from them said, “I heard what you said. My grandfather belonged to the klan, and you better be careful what you say around here.” My friend didn’t hear clearly and asked the woman to repeat what she said. The woman repeated it with rather a threatening tone (!).
It is hard to believe in our modern times that that should happen. In the South in the 1920s they averaged a lynching every week for a long while. We have to realize modern science has created weapons that can destroy the entire human race in a twinkling of an eye. (The atmosfear.) So it is incumbent, I believe, that we learn to love each other, that we face the reality that we are all one race – the human race.
Ron Mosseller
Tryon, N.C.