Voice your opinion on Polk’s public transportation
Published 11:14 am Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Voice your opinion on public transportation – what works, what needs improvement and what you think about recommendations based on a recent study – on Saturday, April 18, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Columbus Curb Market (Courthouse St.), or on Monday, April 20, from 3-7 p.m. at Bi-Lo, Columbus (651 West Mills St.).
Drop in at any point. There will be an interactive booth with staff on-hand to listen to your comments and seek your feedback on some initial recommendations for the PCTA system.
For more information about the transit plan, public forum, or PCTA service options, please contact: Dianne Timberlake at 828-894-8203 or DTimberlake@polknc.org, or Paul Winn at 919-741-5507 or PWinn@vhb.com.
– Submitted by Diane Timberlake