Kiwanis announces tribute for Mother’s Day

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kiwanis Club of Tryon announces a tribute to our moms, sisters, daughters and friends for Mother’s Day and a way to help mothers in other countries. By donating $25 and a picture of the mom you would like to honor, you will be paying for immunizing 13 moms in countries where tetanus is still a disease that kills mothers and babies by a painful death.

The picture and tribute to your marvelous mom will be attractively posted on a wall of honor in the hall of St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Wing a few days before and after Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015.

To make your tribute honoring your marvelous mom, submit a picture of your mom with a short tribute to her (100 words or less) and a check for $25 by April 24, 2015 to Cam Lawrence, 307 Lexington Rd., Landrum, SC 29356.

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Marvelous mom forms are available at many local places of business and from Kiwanis Club members. You may also call Cam Lawrence at 457-4469 for more information or to request a form.

Then, plan to celebrate with your marvelous mom or honor her by attending a reception on Saturday, May 9 from 4-6 p.m. in St. Luke’s Hospital Orthopedics/Rehabilitation Wing. Organizing the event are Lawrence, Sarah Edwards and Linda Greensfelder.

View the marvelous mom tributes, win door prizes especially for moms and enjoy light refreshments, wine and punch. This reception is sponsored by St. Luke’s and Overmountain Vineyards. If you plan to attend, please check the box for the reception on the registration form.

“This is a unique new fundraiser for our Kiwanis Club.” Lawrence explained, “We felt a tribute to moms would be a good way to raise money and awareness of our club’s commitment to improve the world, one child and one community at a time.”

For more information, call 457-4469 or 894-2408.

– Submitted by Constance Lawrence