When Saluda puts its mind and heart into it, it will happen

Published 10:26 pm Thursday, April 2, 2015

 By Bonnie J. Bardos 

 “…And all the woods are alive with the murmur and sound of Spring, 

And the rose-bud breaks into pink on the climbing briar,
And the crocus-bed is a quivering moon of fire
Girdled round with the belt of an amethyst ring.

~ Oscar Wilde, excerpt from “Magdalen Walks”

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Don’t laugh, but I’m standing up like Ernest Hemingway, typing your column outside on the front porch on a sweet spring morning, reluctant to spend one moment inside on such a beautiful day, even with yellow pollen dusting the breeze. Unlike Ernest, I’m using my laptop so there’s no paper to toss on the floor! Even if it’s still a little cool, the sun promises a balmy afternoon. River dog stretches in the sunshine, although you could almost envision a few of Ernest’s six-toed cats sunning on the steps.

Last evening, as magical golden hour shimmered into pink sunset, the Easter Bunny came hopping from the woods to find sweet grass, stopping to scratch at invisible tormentors. Don’t bring fleas in my yard, Peter! The half-grown rascal just kept hopping along—inspecting tender young plants for his evening salad selection, without even leaving Easter candy behind. I had been hopeful.

Speaking of hopeful, there’s a big push going on in our small town with a big heart. Folks are rallying to purchase and preserve the historic Saluda Depot as a museum. I just heard that an anonymous and generous donor has agreed to match $50,000 when raised. Note: I say ‘when,’ not ‘if.’

Around these parts, when folks put their minds and hearts to something, it’ll happen. Like that little engine that could. There’s a dream of an excursion train, even. I really like that idea—Saluda needs a train whistle again. A town that was built as a railroad town needs a train, a whistle, an engine huffing on those tracks. To have grown men and little kids stop and gaze in awe, as they did in days gone by. Some things never change. What do trains and depots and Easter Bunnies have in common you ask. Hope. There you are one spring evening, and magic appears.

The first fundraiser (a Low Country Boil and music from the 42nd Street Band) for the Saluda Depot will be held April 12 from 3-6 p.m. on the back deck of Thompson’s Store. Tickets are available at Ward’s/Thompson’s downtown Saluda. A tour of homes and silent auction will be on June 6 (mark those calendars!).

Saluda Welcome Table is every Tuesday, with dinner served from 5:30-7 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Saluda United Methodist Church.  All are welcome; donations are accepted.

“Walks in the Woods” will continue through November on the first and third Sundays of the month. Meet at Saluda Library at 2 p.m. to carpool. Contact Chuck Hearon at 828-749-9886 or 828-817-0364 for information. Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) will benefit from your donations or time as a volunteer for their many community projects. Save the date of April 22 on “Earth Day” for SCLT’s annual meeting with speaker Carlton Burke and his rescued owls. For information, contact SCLT at 828-749-1560 or visit www.saludasclt.org.


Bring little ones to an Easter Egg hunt April 4, 2-5 p.m. on the vacant lot on Irwin Street across from Memorial Park and McCreery Park, thanks to Don Mintz.


Saluda sympathy and many hugs go to Jim Boyle for the loss of his dad and to the family of Mary Alice Judy. Saluda get well wishes go to Rita Igoe.


Happy 17th anniversary to Saluda Grade Cafe, and happy 31st to Green River Barbecue! Saluda has wonderful restaurants—how lucky we are!


Happy April birthday to: Martha Ashley, Melody Gibson, Dave Prudhomme, Kaye Vazquez, Cindy Keeter, Betty Anna Brown, Hope Pace, Diane Pace, Ruth Anderson, Greaton Sellers, Clay Arrington, Bonnie Bardos, Luther Connor, Gary Pace, Dee Owen, Doug Honeycutt and Niece Lundgren.


Thank you dear readers, for reading this column. I love hearing from you! Whether you live here, or just wish you were here, the goal is to make you feel like you’re enjoying a front porch visit and small town life in a friendly little mountain town called Saluda. You can contact me at bbardos@gmail.com, 749-1153, visit bonniebardos.com for more writing and art or find me on Facebook.


