Rick Casey, physical education teacher, is the Teacher of the Week for March 9-13 at Polk Central Elementary

Published 8:29 pm Friday, March 13, 2015

Casey writes, “I am originally rom Burlington, N.C. I have always enjoyed sports and fitness activities. When I was in high school, I knew that I wanted to be a physical education teacher. I completed my undergraduate and masters degrees at Western Carolina University. Upon completion of my undergraduate degree, I received a letter from the President of the United States. You know what this means. I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. It was a great experience.


“My first teaching job was at the American School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  After that, I came back to Western Carolina for graduate school. From there, I taught four years with the Raleigh City school system. As my family grew, I decided to go into the business world and spent most of that time in the pharmaceutical industry. During those years, I lived in the Dallas area, Atlanta and Boston.

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“Upon leaving my last position in pharmaceuticals, I decided to move back to the mountains of my home state and I stayed retired for a couple of years before returning back to education. I have been teaching in Polk County ever since, 11 years. I love my job and our kids at Polk Central. I can say without a doubt, this is my favorite job of all time.


“My two children are grown and have their own wonderful families. My four grand children are fantastic and they are growing up entirely too fast. I enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fly fishing, and riding my motorcycle with good friends.


“The physical education program at Polk Central (and in most of N.C.) focuses on teaching children basic movement skills, social behavior skills, and the important health benefits of exercise.  Research is telling us more and more how important it is to get regular, healthy, exercise on a daily basis.


“One of our main goals during the elementary years is to help children learn some of the best ways to move.  Also, research shows that people who understand how to move in a variety of ways will be more active throughout their lives.


“Keep them moving and make it fun . . . healthy activity should be enjoyable and not a chore.”


– Submitted by Katie Bailey