Losing resolve without feeling guilty

Published 10:34 pm Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This is probably about the time many people are starting to give up on their New Year’s
resolutions. Or maybe you’re like me, and you don’t make them anymore. I read a statistic
recently about aging and making resolutions, and apparently, I’m getting too old to be bothered.
But if you made them and are already forgetting what they were, I’m not going to judge. And
neither should you. If you can’t quite seem to stick to that diet or workout routine, give yourself
a break and a pat on the back for at least planting the seed. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all.
It was 25 years ago that I did make a resolution and stick with it, and I’m so happy that I did. I
vowed to quit smoking. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and one of my proudest
achievements. In fact, maybe that’s why I don’t make resolutions anymore. That one was such a
doozy, it might serve as my resolution with a capital R for the rest of my life.
For those who are considering giving up cigarettes, I have some good news. It does get easier. I
never want one anymore. And consider this: when you quit, you’ll be pleasing literally every
person in your life.
If you need a little help, I suggest telling your friends and family about your decision, and watch
as they cheer you on. I’ve seen several friends on Facebook chronicle their non-smoking plan,
and they always get loads of support and advice and tips on getting through the hard parts.
If one of your resolutions was getting more exercise—and I know that’s right up there on the
resolution list—you’re in the right place.
Tryon offers many ways to enjoy exercising, and our moderate weather often helps get us
outdoors and moving.
The most obvious spot to enjoy the fresh air is Harmon Field. This stunning 45-acre public park
along the Pacolet River was built in the late 1920s when communities all over the country were
applying for and receiving funds to build parks through the Harmon Foundation.
William Elmer Harmon was a real estate developer from Ohio who had a dream to help children
in small communities have supervised recreation, and thanks to his generosity, there are over a
hundred Harmon Fields all over the country, and ours is one.
Around 1940, the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club donated land to expand the park.
You’ll find paved walking trails, baseball and soccer fields, tennis courts, and a putting green as
well as the horse show arenas. You can play tetherball or volleyball, and even rent a “toy tub” from Town Hall that includes
equipment for playing horseshoes, croquet, bocce, badminton, and frisbee, as well as a variety of
On the days inclement weather keeps you inside, head over to Tryon Health & Fitness Club. Not
a member? Not a problem. Your first day is free, and after that if you want to just pay the visitor
rate of $8 per day, that covers using the gym as well as most classes.
Their class schedule is impressive and includes zumba, kickboxing, spinning, and (probably my
favorite) relaxation. Yogalates also sounds interesting both as a class and a delicious coffee
beverage (OpenRoad, feel free to steal that idea).
And if you’re a hiker, just look around you. Mountains, people. Lots of mountains.
So, if you’re starting to give up on your resolution right about now, go ahead. I’m not going to
stop you. Life is hard enough without having some newspaper columnist nagging you. But I do
suggest treating yourself to some healthy recreation both outside and indoors. We’ve certainly
got the facilities. And thanks to that crazy phenomenon we call the isothermal belt, our weather
is far less detrimental to outdoor fun than our neighbors’, even in the winter. Get out there and
enjoy it.

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