Right to opt out of vaccinations
Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, September 30, 2014
To the editor:
I was very upset to read a recent article from Lou Parton of the DSS reminding the public that the Dept. of Health & Human Services will suspend students who fail to show proof of NC-required vaccinations. This is similar to the threat to hospital workers, that would be fired if they didn’t get vaccinated against the latest possible “pandemic”.
I will not go into a diatribe on the dangers of vaccines, except to say that they contain carcinogens, squalene, mercury (causes autism, diabetes and many other chronic diseases) and aluminum, etc., and studies show that vaccines have a poor success rate of protection. It is a state law; however, you can still exert your rights by opting out.
There is no official state form in North Carolina. According to a former director of the NC Dept. of Immunization, all a parent (or person seeking to claim an exemption) has to do is “write down on a sheet of paper that the immunization laws of North Carolina are contrary to their religious beliefs, sign it, and turn it in” to the person requesting their immunization records. Homeschooling parents should keep this notice in their home with their home school documentation.
No matter what an uninformed official may tell you, by law you do not have to belong to any organized religion to claim your religious exemption, and the signature of a representative of a religious order is not required to obtain an exemption.
It must only be your genuine, personal religious belief. You can get more information on http://www.vaclib.org/exempt/northcarolina.htm
Christine Hatfield
Mill Spring, N.C.