Bringing back fond memories

Published 9:51 pm Thursday, September 25, 2014


Many years ago, before I began my pet sitting business in Northern Illinois, I was doing some work at a school for wayward children.   While there one of the students brought in a puppy that was wandering along the highway.  The puppy was a four-month-old black and tan, mixed with a Labrador retriever.  I took the pup home to find it a home and ten years later I did send him to a forever home where I pray he’ll be tended till I see him again. We named him Sabbath and he came before Monty, our first Boxer and (you guessed it), he was the greatest dog who ever lived.  Among many other wonderful things, Sabbath taught me about what I call the circle wag.  It is when a dog is so excited it doesn’t have the time to wag back and forth, the tail goes in a circle of perpetual motion, and Sabbath was a master at it.
A Polk County stray was brought to our FHS shelter who is a two-to-three- year-old black and tan mixed we believe, with Doberman. This magnificent beautiful boy is named Isaac and along with an old hip injury he is heartworm positive.   My dear friend Lani (the bulldog) introduce me to him and my heart leapt to my throat for he reminded me so very much of dear Sabbath.  Somewhere in the doggie ether Isaac got the word of how to reach me for he greeted me with the greatest circle wag I’ve seen since I said goodbye to my dear Sabbath. This may sound strange but I sort of felt like Renee Zellweger in the movie, “Jerry McGuire” when she says to Tom Cruise, “You had me with hello.”
Isaac is sweet, loving, submissive, housebroken and gets along with other dogs wonderfully.  Isaac is now one of Lennie’s kids and my fund at FHS will handle his needs. The FHO procedure to repair is hip will be done on Saturday, Oct. 4 at Cloverfield by Doctor Laura Boggs; she too has been smitten by Isaac and has promised a great discount for my fee.  My kids and I are very lucky to have such wonderful vets in our area and dear Dr. Boggs is a wonderful addition. Isaac’s heartworm treatment has begun, which is why were holding off a bit for the hip operation.
All this will still be done if someone is wise enough to come and adopt sweet Isaac. If my instincts are correct and Isaac is even one half of what my sweet Sabbath was, you just may find yourself with the greatest dog who ever lived.
Thanks for listening.

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