Free computer classes at the Landrum Library

Published 9:56 pm Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Landrum Library and Spartanburg County’s Adult Learning Center is offering Introduction to Computers classes in October. The classes are free to the public but prior sign-up is required.

There will be an evening and morning session of classes. You will attend two classes with about three hours of instruction. Morning classes will be on Monday, Oct. 6 and Wednesday, Oct. 8 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The evening classes will be on Tuesday, Oct. 7 and Thursday, Oct. 9 from 5-7:45 p.m.

The computer classes, taught by an instructor from the Adult Learning Center,  will cover basic computer operations, keyboard and mouse, PC environment, functions of the major pieces of the computer (hardware), basic of windows, basic file management, customizing the desktop, internet and email and basic word processing.

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Please call the library for more information or to register for the classes, 864-457-2218.


-article submitted
by Lee Morgan