Meals on Wheels needs volunteers

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Meals on Wheels in Polk County is in desperate need of more volunteers to deliver meals to the homebound. “Over the past two months we have had an increase in the need for this service,” said Pam Doty, director of The Meeting Place Senior Center. “The recipients of the meals are scattered throughout this beautiful, rural county. That means more miles.”
At this point, some drivers have to travel for two hours in order to take care of everyone. “We need more volunteers, not only to take care of recipients, but also to take care of our drivers. More hands make lighter work, so they say,” said Renee Duvall, Nutrition Coordinator for the program.
The task is rewarding. The people served are always glad to see you and grateful for the service. And you get a wonderful view of the countryside. It’s hard to find a better use of your time.
If you can assist with the Meals on Wheels, call Pam Doty.

-article submitted
by Pam Doty

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