Seasons of Life Adult Day Services now open in Columbus
Published 12:19 pm Friday, July 25, 2014
With hopes dwindling last year if Polk County’s adult day life services could continue operation, June Beddingfield decided to step up and keep the dream Betsy Freeman had years ago alive.
Seasons of Life Adult Day Services opened on June 30 after taking over Rutherford Life Services’ Polk facility, which decided last year to close. The Polk County Board of Commissioners funded the operations for six months until a new provider was found.
Beddingfield runs Seasons of Life Care in home services and decided earlier this year to take over adult day operations.
“Adult day is another way we can help people to stay at home longer,” Beddingfield said. “This is another way people can provide care for their loved ones.”
Beddingfield said adult day doesn’t just provide a service for participants but provides respite for caregivers. She said people come to her all the time saying they are tired and can’t continue to care for their loved ones day and night.
“People have to work for a living too,” Beddingfield said. “You can bring your loved ones by and we’ll take care of them.”
Seasons of Life is for anyone over the age of 18 who needs assistance during the day. Mornings at Seasons of Life begin with a social; the news and then participants start making crafts. There are different programs for each day, with rooms to lounge and watch television and also for music.
“We celebrate birthdays and holidays,” said Beddingfield. “It’s like camp for kids. It’s fun and it should be fun.”
Services include supervision and care, with medical and nutritional monitoring, assistance with bathing, showering, dressing, incontinence and toileting and supervision for dementia and other memory losses.
Seasons of Life is located off Skyuka Road in Columbus just behind the Meeting Place on Carmel Lane. The setting is rural with mountain views and outdoor activities possible such as a gazebo and porch-style swings. The facility is also secure with sensors on all external doors to help ensure client safety, particularly for clients with dementia.
Beddingfield said Seasons of Life can be a crisis place to help out either long or short-term.
“We’re just here when you need us,” Beddingfield said.
Seasons of Life serves lunch, provided by the adjacent Meeting Place Senior Center and two snacks. Each participant is given a level of care assessment to ensure participant and employee safety.
There is an LPN on staff every day and also an RN available, Beddingfield said.
Along with crafts, participants have sing-a-longs and people who come in for entertainment.
Seasons of Life Care is certified to house 24 participants and with Beddingfield saying she needs 12 participants to break even on costs to run the facility. Currently Seasons of Life Care has three participants.
“This is so much cheaper and cost effective (for caregivers),” Beddingfield said.
Participants can go from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or for just a half a day, depending on the participant and caregivers’ needs.
Prices range from $31-$43 for a half day and $44-$56 for a full day with participants able to go just one day a week, two, three, four or all five days.
Beddingfield said she is more than willing to speak with anyone day or night about her service, including churches, civic and community groups or any individuals who want to know more about Seasons of Life. Beddingfield also said she is happy to come speak with a potential participant who may be hesitant to attend.
Seasons of Life has grant money available to help with participants in need of financial assistance and is currently working on a contract with the Veteran’s Administration for assistance to veterans.
Transportation is also available through the Polk County Transportation Authority, with residents 60 years and older riding for free.
Polk County’s original center opened in December 2011 after a unique public/private partnership. Polk County provided the building and through fundraising and grants did renovations for an adult day health center.
The building was named after Don and Betsy Freeman following Betsy Freeman requesting the county create an adult day service. She was the caregiver for her husband Don, and came to many county commissioner meetings urging the county to help create an adult day service. Betsy Freeman is credited with spearheading fundraising to get the center opened and other volunteer work towards her dream. Don Freeman passed away prior to the center’s opening.
For more information about Seasons of Life services call 828-894-2007 or visit