Divide and Conquer

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, July 15, 2014

To the Editor:

As I see it, we are playing into the politicians (all sides) trap. It is called “Divide and Conquer.” Do we really want to do this? Could we just stop it? Please?
“United we stand. Divided we fall.”
Our country is in a free fall.
Scientists have asserted that the reason humanity has survived upon this earth is because the total of love energy has thus far exceeded the total of destructive energy emanating from hate and revenge.
Do you ever think we are tipping the scales way on the side of hate and revenge? This is not a good thing. What is needed is urbane imperturbability (the ability to accept people as they are and not alloy their annoying actions to get under your skin.)
It concerns us all.

– Nelda Jernigan,

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