Foothills Duplicate Bridge Results July 3

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Foothills Duplicate Bridge Results for the game played July 3 are as follows:

Morning Restricted Pairs
Section A: North-South
First: Donald Williamson – Stephanie Williamson
Seond: Bill Ulrey – Lynn Ulrey
Third: Chris Ter Kuile – Charlotte Lindsey

Section A: East-West
First: H Ingram Willis Jr – Elizabeth Refshauge
Seond: Robert Palmer – David Hart
Third: Jack Saunders – Doris Saunders
Section B: North-South
First: Carolyn Jones – Carole Stuenkel
Seond: Gordy Cwik – Mike Roemer
Third: William Kelly – Peggy Henson
Fourth: Sherril Wingo – Carolyn Ashburn

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Section B: East-West
First: Anita Cathcart – Joyce Atkins
Seond: Elizabeth Easley – Elaine Riley
Third: Edward Krainer – Marcie Mack
Fourth: Daniel Dworkin – Martha Frederick
Afternoon Open Pairs

First: Kathy Bartlett – Ken Yeager
Seond: Donald Cobb – Helen Trevathan
Third: Carole Stuenkel – Lois Barrick

First: Sally Jo Carter – Patrick Collins
Seond: Archie Hardy – Chip Boyle
Third: H Ingram Willis Jr – Andrea Kahn

– article submitted