Polk County Board of Commissioner July 7 agenda
Published 10:00 pm Friday, July 4, 2014
Editor’s Note: following is the agenda for the Polk County Board of Commissioner meeting scheduled for Monday, July 7. The meeting begins at 7 p.m on the second floor of the Womack building in Columbus.
Call to order – Chair Owens
Invocation – Rev. Don Hollifield, Coopers Gap Baptist Church
Pledge of Allegiance – Interim county manager pittman
Approval of agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.
Approval of minutes – Approval of the May 30, 2014, special meeting minutes, the June 2, 2014, public hearing and regular meeting minutes, and the June, 16, 2014, regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve.
Tryon Resort – Development partner Mark Bellissimo will give a presentation on the new equestrian center/luxury resort currently under construction, followed by a citizens’ question and answer period.
June refund request – Melissa Bowlin, tax administrator, will present the request. Motion to approve.
Tax Department position reclassification request – To consider a request from Melissa Bowlin to reclassify a full-time assistant appraiser position to a full-time tax customer service representative effective August 15, 2014. Motion to approve.
Budget Amendment – Sandra Hughes, finance director, will present BA #1, Ag Economic Development, addition, $8,175 – grant funds received in FY14 ($8,000 from PCCF and $800 from Ball Canning); the amendment is for the remaining funds not spent in the prior year.
NC State Fire Association Scholarship – To recognize Polk County Communications Department employee and Sunny View Fire Department Captain Marty McGuinn’s receipt of this scholarship.
Economic & Tourism Development Commission (ETDC) annual report – Ambrose Mills, ETDC Chair, will give the presentation. Citizen comments.
Republic Services Transportation & Disposal agreement amendment – Interim county manager Pittman will present the amendment to the agreement. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
Transfer Station Loader Quotes – To consider quotes for a new loader for the transfer station. Neal Hall, Solid Waste Director, will present the quotes. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
DSS building repairs update – County attorney Jana Berg will present the update. Motion to approve.
County manager position – Commissioner Pack asked that this item be placed on the agenda to discuss hiring a permanent county manager.
NCACC Annual Conference Voting Delegate – To designate a voting delegate for the 107th NCACC annual conference to be held August 14 – 17, 2014, in Asheville.
Manager’s report – 1) DMV/Tax department facility update and budget projection/proposal. Citizen comments. 2) Seasons of Life Adult Day Services update. Citizen comments.
Economic development consultant – Chair Owens asked that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. Citizen comments.
Volunteer boards for review – Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – 1 application, 1 regular vacancy. Motion to approve.
Citizen comments on non-agenda Items
Commissioner comments
Closed session – Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of attorney-client privilege, GS 143-318.11(a)(3).
Return to Open Session – Motion to return to open session.
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.