Memorial Day program at White Oak

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, June 12, 2014


VFW Post 10349 and Ladies Auxiliary of Mill Spring, N.C, presented a Memorial Day program at White Oak Nursing Home in Tryon, N.C. on Sunday May 25, 2014. Tryon Scout Troop 151 presented the colors, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Quartermaster Taylor and scouts from Troop 151 Tryon folded the flag, while Gerry Taylor of the Auxiliary told what each fold meant. Tita Hyde, Auxiliary President of VFW Post 10349, shared Memorial Day history facts and Gerry Taylor read about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Veterans who are patients at White Oak were given a Buddy Poppy and Quartermaster Johnny Taylor told the story of the red buddy poppy flower. Steve Hardin played the piano.
– article submitted
by, QM Johnny Taylor

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