Isothermal to offer two new equestrian courses

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Isothermal Community College Polk campus will soon be offering two new equestrian courses, the first of which is Careers in the Equine Industry.
With this course, students can take a comprehensive look at careers in the equine industry.
What’s available?
What’s growing?
What do they pay?
Investigate how to become part of a growing industry in Polk County or other centers of equestrian activity.
We’ll look at what it takes it terms of education, skill and capital outlay.
This class will take place on Mondays, June 23 and 30 from 6 – 8 p.m.
There is a fee for the course.
The second equestrian class is Equine Tourism.
A growing segment of the equine industry is addressing visitors that come to town for horse shows and activities.
What constitutes equine tour-ism and what businesses and services does it take to service equine visitors?
How does equine tourism add to the bottom line of a community’s tourism offerings?
Students will look at businesses and activities that depend on equine tourism and how to market for community for equine tourism.
This course will take place on Tuesdays, July 8 and 15 from 6 – 8 p.m.
There is a fee for the course.
Both will take place at the Polk Center, Isothermal Community College in Columbus.
For more information on these classes, or for costs, contact Kate Barkschat, 828-395-1163.
– article submitted
by Mike Gavin

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