Carolina Foothills Chamber of Commerce to offer video advertising to members

Published 10:00 pm Sunday, May 18, 2014


The Carolina Foothills Chamber of Commerce just announced that they are offering video-advertising options to their membership base.
Janet Sciacca, Executive Director, said that providing low-cost video advertising to its expanding membership is something that is only just now becoming practical to chamber organizations around the country.
“I love the idea of providing our members with the ability to post short (30-second) high-definition videos to the membership records within our website’s database.  Informational videos are becoming extremely popular on today’s websites and quite simple to do,” said Sciacca.
According to Sciacca, the ability to shoot a very short video of our members simply telling the community who they are and what that do will be a very powerful marketing tool.
“I think this idea will work in our community, because everyone is so busy with their small businesses and video saves them time in getting their message out in a very visual way.
Once you see a member’s video online, you feel as if you know them much better, it’s a great door-opener to the business owner who is passionate about their business,” said Sciacca.
Sciacca said that the chamber is offering a variety of video offerings, ranging from a 30-second video clip to a more informative 3-minute testimonial.   Sciacca said that by far the most inexpensive and easiest video to produce is the 30-second video option.  “Because it’s simple and unscripted, all that you have to do is say hello to the camera.  It’s just a simple opportunity for our members to attach their face to their business within our membership directory.
Sciacca said that members can call and make an appointment at their place of business or visit a location in Tryon for a quick and pain-free video shoot.  The video will then be uploaded to the chamber site and the internet address will be given to the member for their own marketing purposes.
Sciacca said that with the massive improvements in video technology coupled with the power of the internet, what was once out of the question is now very feasible.
According to Sciacca, the board approved the video advertising program earlier this month and believes that if the members take advantage of the video offer, the benefits will be wonderful for both the members and community at large.
For more information on the video-advertising offer visit: or call 828.859.6236

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