Polk County Board of Commissioner’s Tuesday, April 22 agenda
Published 10:00 pm Thursday, April 17, 2014
Publisher’s Note: following is the agenda for the Polk County Board of Commissioner meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 22. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the meeting room on the second floor of the Womack building in Columbus.
1. Early college financing agreement public hearing – The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on the county’s plan to finance, by the use of an installment financing contract as allowed for under N.C.G.S 160A-20, the purchase of land, an existing 3,600 square foot building, and an addition to that building of 5,000 square feet, for use as an early college. The public hearing was advertised in The Tryon Daily Bulletin. Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, will present the information.
2. Citizen comments
3. Commissioner comments
4. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn the public hearing.
5. Call to order of the regular meeting – Chair Owens
6. Invocation – Commissioner Pack
7. Pledge of Allegiance – Chair Owens
8. Approval of agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.
9. Approval of minutes – Approval of the April 1, 2014, special meeting minutes, the April 3, 2014, economic development workshop minutes, and the April 7, 2014 public hearing and regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve.
10. Older Americans Month Proclamation – Barbara Graham, Council on Aging Chair, will discuss local events planned for the month of May. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
11. March reund request – Melissa Bowlin, tax administrator will present the request. Motion to approve.
12. Budget amendment/addition – Sandra Hughes, finance director, will present BA #11, DSS, addition, $3,691 – To increase revenues and expenditures for new allocation from the state, 100 percent state funding. Motion to approve.
13. Project budget ordinance – Sandra Hughes will present the project budget ordinance for the Polk County Early College building purchase, addition and renovation in the amount of $800,000. Motion to approve.
14. Administration and inter-local agreement – Tryon Equestrian – To consider an agreement with IPDC for grant management assistance. Motion to approve.
15. Pea Ridge Road waterline extension project rebid – David Odom, county engineer, will present the bids. Motion to approve.
16. Pea Ridge Road waterline extension project engineering services proposal – Dave Odom will present the proposal. Motion to approve.
17. Tryon Equestrian Properties waterline agreement – County attorney Berg will present the agreement. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
18. Grant project budget ordinance – Sandra Hughes will present the grant project budget ordinance for $375,000 for the Tryon Equestrian Facility Center water improvements, with $281,250 coming from CDBG grant proceeds and $93,750 coming from Tryon Equestrian Partners. Motion to approve.
19. Lake Adger Dam safety inspection report – Geoff Kruger of AECOM will present the report. Citizens comments.
20. County manager position – Commissioner Gasperson asked that this item be placed on the agenda to recommend that the process of hiring a permanent county manager be deferred until after the new BOC is seated in December 2014. Citizen comments.
21. Social media policy – Interim county manager Pittman will present the policy for review. Citizen comments.
22. Volunteer boards for vote – Nursing Home Advisory Committee – 1 application, 1 regular vacancy; Recreation Advisory Board – 2 applications, 1 regular vacancy; Region C Workforce Development – 2 applications, 2 regular vacancies; Saluda Fire District Tax Commission – 3 applications, 3 regular vacancies.
23. Volunteer boards for review – JCPC – 1 application, 1 regular vacancy.
24. Citizen comments on non-agenda items
25. Commissioner comments
26. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.