It’s in His hands
Published 7:50 pm Thursday, March 20, 2014

Aurora was shot through the shoulder and through the neck and brought to the shelter. As soon as I saw her she became mine. (photo by Leonard Rizzo)
Let’s get this over with right now: I am suffering from an ailment called congestive heart failure. I’ve been poked, prodded and tested with more to come, but I’m coming along. Except for the fact that I’ve lost a ton of weight, you may not even know I have a problem. You haven’t any idea what a good nights sleep can do for a person. So enough of this!
On Tuesday afternoon I will be seeing my good friend Dr. Keith Allen at U.V.S. I and a lady (Betty) whom I’ve become quite fond of will be taking Shandy, her beautiful three year old Shepherd. Shandy has developed hip disease at a very young age. It seems to plague German Shepherds and the time has come to let the maestro see what he can do.
On last Wednesday morning another Shepherd whose x-ray I had taken a few months back (she is a long haired dog and movie star beautiful). She too has hip problems of a slightly different variety that can be treated at the vet’s clinic. Bones are rubbing, causing her pain with one hip far worse than the other. I’ve paid for the x-ray and initial evaluation and have offered to pay for half the operation. As much as I love this sweet Shepherd, I need people along with family and friends to step up a little more so I can more easily help others. I’ve heard every excuse there is and over the years I can think of hundreds who promised to give back and whom I haven’t heard from since.
Now let’s speak of Aurora (whose photo is shown). I’ve held this sweet girl in my arms and as the tears fell I forgot all my personal problems. I’ve said it before, “God will tell me when I’ve done enough.” I tenderly held Aurora in my arms and prayed, “Lord, I will be here as long as
You give me the strength.” Aurora is now totally under my care as one of Lennie’s kids and is being paid for by Lennie’s fund at FHS.
Aurora is a young Boxer-Pit mix approximately 1 and ½ years old. She hasn’t had any vaccinations and she hasn’t been spayed. While in heat she wandered toward her neighbor’s yard. Aurora was shot through the shoulder and through the neck and brought to the shelter. As soon as I saw her she became mine. I have given her all the love, prayers and assurances I can muster and somehow I feel she understands. Because of her neck wound she is currently on IV and liquids but hopefully she’ll get some solids soon under Dr. Lara’s care. The new young vet is very sweet and I have the feeling she intends to treat my special cases as special cases. I hope she’s strong because she’s in for a roller coaster ride.
I will do my best for the others and when I can’t be on hand, I will designate, but Aurora, I will visit daily, she will never again know the feeling of indifference or abandonment.
I’m thinking now of a line from my Christmas poem, “Back to my roots”.
“I’ve learned long ago I cannot save them all, but I can be there should one of them fall.”
So if you have a prayer to say today, please say it for Aurora, she’s in my hands. I am just fine, I am in His hands.
Thanks for listening.