Negative letters to the editor
Published 11:05 pm Tuesday, February 11, 2014
To the editor:
The same people seem to think that we readers really need to have their almost weekly political rants regarding our government.
We have Fox news, MSNBC and CNN all day long. It sure would be nice if you limited letters to the editor to one a month or every other month from the same writers. Mr. Kachadoorian ended his last politically biased rant by writing.
“They used to say there were two things you could be sure of death and taxes. Taxes are a slow death; I’m hoping that death when it comes, is less painful.”
End of quote!
After reading so many of his letters I now believe there are now three sure things. The worst is being bored to death.
By reading the same bias and negativity in the Bulletin every couple of weeks.
– Stan Mazur, Mill Spring